Scotland is Britain’s northernmost country, a land of ancient mountains, interspersed with glens (valleys) and lochs (lakes) and rich rolling farmlands, seaside ports and fishing villages. A beautiful country inhabited by proud and independent people whose beliefs in equality and education were honed from a rich and colourful history.
You may think of Scotland as the home of great warriors like Braveheart, or of Golf or Whisky but in PLEA2017 we are drawing on the strengths of Scotland as the home of Thinkers and Doers. Some of them ignited the intellectual Enlightenment of the 18th century, pioneered science, medicine and the arts. Some built empires and the industrial revolution with their skills in trade and engineering. We now hope to carry forward the baton of their achievements by providing a Forum for one of the great discussions of our day, on how, together, we can solve the enormous problems of reducing the impacts of our lifestyles on the planet while enabling our citizens to live long and well: How do we Design to Thrive in difficult times while providing Foundations for a Better, Safer, Different, Future? Help us answer those questions at PLEA 2017 in Scotland.